
Showing posts from January, 2017

Selling sunshine is not enough

Florida Gov. Rick Scott that he again included a reduction in the state's business rent tax – as part of his proposed 2017 budget that he'll send to the Florida Legislature for consideration. "Florida is the only state that has a tax on commercial leases. It's unfair to our small businesses, and it makes it more difficult to attract new business and industry to the Sunshine State. It also causes an additional burden if an existing Florida business hopes to invest more or expand, which in turn creates new opportunities for families in their communities." In addition to the business lease tax deduction, Scott proposed the following tax cuts: Four sales tax holidays that would save Floridians an estimated $98 million this year: $72 million during a 10-day back-to-school sales tax holiday; $7 million from a nine-day disaster preparedness sales tax holiday; $18.4 million from a three-day veteran's sales tax holiday; and $500,000 from a one-day camping and ...

What you must know about PACE 100% financing of energy related home improvements

Whether you are buying or selling a property that participated in the PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy) program you must be aware of a few things that may impact the purchase and possibly the closing. First , lets go over the program's basics. Miami-Dade County homeowners, businesses and industries in unincorporated Miami-Dade County and some other communities in the called  "Clean Energy Corridor"*  interested in solar panels, hurricane windows and other energy saving upgrades now have another financing option through the property assessed clean energy (PACE) program. PACE allows property owners to receive upfront financing for a variety of energy-related home improvements, then repay the debt through voluntary assessments on their property tax bills. Approved third-party administrators will provide funding, and the assessment can be amortized over a period of five to up to 20 years, which allows for the cost savings resulting from the improvements to be used...

Porque aparentemente excelente propiedades quedan sin venderse

Porque entender el comportamiento del mercado es esencial para orientar a mis clientes esta cuestiĆ³n sigue apareciendo cada vez que una aparentemente excelente propiedad queda sin venderse en el mercado activo donde en la mayorĆ­a de las Ć”reas no hay suficientes propiedades en venta. En un esfuerzo por encontrar una explicaciĆ³n o al menos una tendencia que arroje luz sobre el tema, he revisado cientos de que caducaron, fueron canceladas o simplemente decidieron no listar mas. Debemos partir de la creencia de que cada propiedad es diferente y que sin toda la informaciĆ³n detallada sobre la historia de cada listado no se podrĆ” emitir una opiniĆ³n definitiva en cuanto a la razĆ³n exacta de por quĆ© no se vendiĆ³ la propiedad. Pero por otro lado los datos revisados mostraron algunas cuestiones que podrĆ­an influir en la venta o en este caso la no venta de las propiedades. Precio-                                 ...

Why is that some listings don't sell?

Because understanding the market behavior is essential to provide guidance to my customers this question keeps popping up every time a seemly perfect property remains unsold in today's active market and in most areas short of offerings. In an effort to find an explanation or at least a trend that sheds light on the issue, I have reviewed hundreds of expired as well as cancelled and terminated listings in the MLS  One must start from the believe that every property is different and that without all of the detailed information on the history of each listing it will be impossible to render an opinion as to the exact reason why the property did not sell. But on the other hand the data reviewed showed some issues that might have influenced the no sale. Price.-                                                          ...