
Showing posts from November, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving

Guillermo "Bill" Sanjurjo Realtor® 12955 SW 42 St Suite 2, Miami, FL 33175 Cell: 786-232-1400

Single Family Home RENTAL Market Activity

This report covers the following markets; 33165 33175, 33174, 33155, 33176 For detailed  reports just  email  or call me at 786-232-1400 New listings (39) Back On Market (6) Price Decrease (25) Price Increase (3) Active With Contract (4) Cancelled (4) Closed Sale (0) Pending Sale (20) Rented (16) Temp Off Market (2) Withdrawn (1) Expired (0) Guillermo "Bill" Sanjurjo Realtor® Century21 Continental Realty 12955 SW 42 St Suite 2, Miami, FL 33175 Cell: 786-232-1400

The True Cost of Not Owning Your Home

The True Cost of Not Owning Your Home Photo by  Lisa Fotios  from  Pexels There are great advantages to owning a home, yet many people continue to rent. The  financial benefits  are just some reasons why homeownership has been a part of the long-standing American dream.  reported that: “Buying remains the more attractive option in the long term – that remains the American dream , and it’s true in many markets where renting has become really the shortsighted option… as people get more savings in their pockets, buying becomes the better option.” Why owning a home is  financially better than renting? Here are the top 5 financial benefits of homeownership: Homeownership is a form of forced savings. Homeownership provides tax savings. Homeownership allows you to lock in your monthly housing cost. Buying a home is less expensive than renting. No other investment lets you live inside it. Studies have also shown that a homeowner’s net worth is  44x great

Double Master Suites Are a Growing Trend

 As Published by Florida Realtors PeopleImages / Getty Images    Source: “Why Double Master Suites Are the Growing Trend in Luxury New Developments,” (Nov. 19, 2019) © Copyright 2019 INFORMATION INC., Bethesda, MD (301) 215-4688 Double Master Suites Are a Growing Trend: In higher-scale developments, double master suites are growing in demand as more adult children and parents move in together. Read more>> Guillermo "Bill" Sanjurjo Realtor® 12955 SW 42 St Suite 2, Miami, FL 33175 Cell: 786-232-1400
7 razones para poner su casa a la venta esta temporada de fiestas   25 25UTC noviembre 25UTC 2019   Alrededor de esta época cada año, muchos propietarios de casa deciden esperar hasta después de los días festivos para poner sus casas a la venta. Del mismo modo, otros que ya tienen su casa en el mercado deciden sacarla del mercado hasta la primavera. Vamos a desempacar las razones principales por las poner su casa para la venta ahora o mantenerla en el mercado hasta el invierno puede ser la mejor opción que puede tomar. Aquí hay siete buenas razones para no esperar: Los compradores de relocalización están afuera. Muchas compañías están contratando aun a través de los días festivos y necesitan que sus empleados comiencen tan pronto como sea posible. Los compradores que están buscando casas durante los días festivos son compradores serios y están listos para  comprar ahora . Usted puede restringir las veces y las horas que quiere mostrar la casa que son más conveni

7 Reasons to List Your House This Holiday Season

7 Reasons to List Your House This Holiday Season Around this time each year, many homeowners decide to wait until after the holidays to list their houses. Similarly, others who already have their homes on the market remove their listings until the spring. Let’s unpack the top reasons why listing your house now or keeping it on the market this winter may be the best choice you can make. Here are seven great reasons not to wait: Relocation buyers are out there now. Many companies are still hiring throughout the holidays, and they need their new employees to start as soon as possible. Purchasers who are looking for homes during the holidays are serious buyers and are ready to  buy now . You can restrict the showings on your home to days and times that are most convenient for you. You will remain in control. Homes show better when decorated for the holidays. There is minimal competition for you as a seller right now. Over the past few months we’ve seen the supply of homes fo

More U.S. Counties Turn Majority Hispanic, Black

More U.S. Counties Turn Majority Hispanic, Black : In 2018, about 151 U.S. counties saw racial and ethnic minorities take the lead in population. Guillermo "Bill" Sanjurjo Realtor® 12955 SW 42 St Suite 2, Miami, FL 33175 Cell: 786-232-1400

El costo a través del tiempo

Algunos puntos destacados: Con las tasas de interés alrededor del 3.66 %, ahora es un buen momento para repasar en donde han estado en las últimas décadas. Comparativamente, ¡Están bastante bajas! Según  Freddie Mac  se prevé que las tasas aumenten a 3.9 % para esta época del próximo año. El impacto que su tasa de interés tiene en el pago mensual de su hipoteca es significativo. Un aumento de solo $20 dólares en su pago mensual pueden sumar hasta $240 por año y $7,200 durante la vida de su préstamo. Tal vez sea hora de asegurar su interés ahora, mientras que las tasas siguen siendo históricamente bajas. Guillermo "Bill" Sanjurjo Realtor® 12955 SW 42 St Suite 2, Miami, FL 33175  Cell: 786-232-1400

The Cost Across Time

[INFOGRAPHIC] Some Highlights: With interest rates around 3.66%, now is a great time to look back at where they’ve been over the past few decades. Comparatively, they’re pretty low! According to  Freddie Mac ,  rates are projected to increase to 3.9% by this time next year. The impact your interest rate has on your monthly mortgage payment is significant. An increase of just $20 dollars in your monthly payment can add up to $240 per year and $7,200 over the life of your loan. Maybe it’s time to lock in now, while rates are still historically low. Guillermo "Bill" Sanjurjo Realtor® 12955 SW 42 St Suite 2, Miami, FL 33175 Cell: 786-232-1400
Mortgage Rates Drop to Six-Week Low From Florida Realtors A touch of optimism over U.S.-China trade talks seem to be moving the average fixed-rate mortgage lower. The FRM fell to 3.66% in the latest weekly survey. WASHINGTON – A touch of optimism over U.S.-China trade talks seem to be moving the average fixed-rate mortgage lower. The 30-year fixed rate fell to 3.66% in the latest weekly survey. “The housing market continues to steadily gain momentum with rising home buyer demand and increased construction due to the strong job market, ebullient market sentiment and low mortgage rates,” Freddie Mac said in its weekly release. “Residential real estate accounts for one-sixth of the economy, and the improving real estate market will support economic growth heading into next year.” Before hitting an average 3.66% this week, the 30-year FRM averaged 3.75% last week; one year ago it was 4.81%. The 15-year mortgage rate also fell this week to 3.15%. It was 3.20 percent one

¿Cuánto tiempo puede durar la recuperación económica?

¿Cuánto tiempo puede durar la recuperación económica? Lea más>> Guillermo "Bill" Sanjurjo Realtor® 12955 SW 42 St Suite 2, Miami, FL 33175  Cell: 786-232-1400

How Long Can This Economic Recovery Last?

How Long Can This Economic Recovery Last? The economy is currently experiencing the longest recovery in our nation’s history. The stock market has hit record highs, while unemployment rates are at record lows. Home price appreciation is beginning to re accelerate. This begs the question:  How long can this economic recovery last? The  Wall Street Journal  (WSJ)  Survey of Economists  recently called for an economic slowdown (recession) in the near future. The most recent survey, however, now shows the economists are pushing that timetable back. When asked when they expect a recession to start, 42.5% of the economists in the previous survey projected between now and the end of 2020. The most recent survey showed that percentage drop to 34.2%. Here are the most current results: Like the economists surveyed by the WSJ, most experts are still predicting a recession will likely occur sometime in the next few years. However, many are pushing back the date for the economic slowdown.

Strong Economy Boosts Home Sales; Upward Trend to Hold

Low mortgage rates, job growth, and income expansion will continue to support higher sales, says NAR’s chief economist. Read more>> Guillermo "Bill" Sanjurjo Realtor®  12955 SW 42 St Suite 2, Miami, FL 33175  Cell: 786-232-1400

Climate Change and Real Estate: It’s Attitudes More than Science

Climate Change and Real Estate: It’s Attitudes More than Science: A study looked at the impact of rising seas on real estate prices and found residents’ beliefs a contributing factor. If a city’s population generally believes in climate change, housing values in higher-risk areas suffer some – but values aren’t affected as much if residents don’t. READ MORE>> This post is available in 64 languages. Just select your preference in the "Translate" side-panel. Guillermo "Bill" Sanjurjo Realtor® 12955 SW 42 St Suite 2, Miami, FL 33175 Cell: 786-232-1400

Mortgage Rates Rise as Recession Fears Recede

"The modest uptick in mortgage rates over the last two months reflects declining recession fears and a more sanguine outlook for the global economy,” says Sam Khater, Freddie Mac’s chief economist. “Due to the improved economic outlook, purchase mortgage applications rose fifteen percent over the same week a year ago, the second highest weekly increase in the last two years. Given the important role residential real estate plays in the economy, the steady improvement of the housing market is a reassuring sign that the economy is on solid ground heading into next year.” Guillermo "Bill" Sanjurjo Realtor® 12955 SW 42 St Suite 2, Miami, FL 33175 Cell: 786-232-1400

Buyer Demand Growing in Every Region

Buyer Demand Growing in Every Region This post is available in 64 languages. Just select your preference in the "Language" side-panel. Buyers are out in full force this fall, increasing the demand for home buying in all four regions of the country. According to the latest  ShowingTime Showing Index , “Home showing activity was up again nationwide with a 4.6 percent rise in traffic, as the traditionally slow fall season began with a marked boost in buyer interest.” Buyers clearly have the right idea, as mortgage rates have  dropped  over a full percentage point since the fall of 2018. They’ve hovered in a historically low range since this summer, making the overall  cost  of homeownership significantly more attractive and affordable. Here’s the breakdown of how  ShowingTime  reports current buyer traffic patterns across the country: “The  West Region , which until August had experienced 18 consecutive months of flagging home buyer traffic, lead the four re

FinCEN Again Renews Real Estate Rule Requiring Title Companies to Reveal Buyer IDs: More to Come?

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network announced the renewal of its Geographic Targeting Orders requiring disclosure of the identities of individuals in LLCs buying real estate for cash in 12 cities. There are proposals in Congress to extend the law nationwide. Read more>> As published in By  MP McQueen   |   November 13, 2019 at 03:50 PM Guillermo "Bill" Sanjurjo Realtor® 12955 SW 42 St Suite 2, Miami, FL 33175 Cell: 786-232-1400

HUD to FTC: Inspect Assistance Animal Documentation Websites

As published by Florida Realtors   HUD to FTC: Inspect Assistance Animal Documentation Websites: HUD says certificates bought online aren’t substitutes for medical documentation, and it wants the FTC to investigate – especially websites that imply a federal affiliation – because they exploit consumers, prejudice the legal rights of individuals and dupe landlords. Read more.. This post is available in 64 languages. Just select your preference in the "Language" side-panel. Guillermo "Bill" Sanjurjo Realtor® 12955 SW 42 St Suite 2, Miami, FL 33175 Cell: 786-232-1400

Homeownership Rate Remains on the Rise

Homeownership Rate Remains on the Rise This post is available in 64 languages. Just select your preference in the "Language" side-panel. In the third quarter of 2019, the U.S. homeownership rate rose again, signaling another strong indicator of the current housing market. The  U.S. Census Bureau   announced , “The homeownership rate of 64.8 percent was not statistically different from the rate in the third quarter 2018 (64.4 percent), but was 0.7 percentage points higher than the rate in the second quarter 2019 (64.1 percent).” Today there is still a lack of  inventory , particularly at the entry and middle-level segments of the market, but that is not stopping buyers from making every effort to pursue homeownership. The many  financial  and  non-financial  benefits continue to drive the American Dream and will likely do so for generations to come. Bottom Line If you’re thinking of buying a home, let’s get together to make your dream a reality. Guillerm

Are Smart Homes Worth the Investment?

.  Photo  by Josh Hendrickson If you are considering upgrading to a smart home, here are some very helpful insights from  JOSH HENDRICKSON from his recent article reviewing the ups and downs of a smart home. Read More>> This post is available in 64 languages. Just select your preference in the "Language" side-panel. Guillermo "Bill" Sanjurjo Realtor® 12955 SW 42 St Suite 2, Miami, FL 33175 Cell: 786-232-1400

Real estate swindler convicted

This post is available in 64 languages. Just select your preference in the "Language" side-panel. A federal judge on Friday convicted a West African man who had been among a group of accused swindlers charged with ripping off various parties in real estate deals in what the FBI calls business email compromise scams. Read more... BY TORSTEN OVE Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Guillermo "Bill" Sanjurjo Realtor® 12955 SW 42 St Suite 2, Miami, FL 33175 Cell: 786-232-1400

Market Update

Market Update Below is a recap of the activity in the market area shown in the map for the week of 11/2 to 11/8 2019 For additional information or more details please contact me. Short sales have been excluded in this report. New listings entering the market (32) Back On Market (3) Price Decrease (25) Price Increase (4) Under contract but looking for backup Contract (12) Cancelled (6) Closed Sale (18) Pending Sale (22) Rented (0) Temp Off Market (2) Withdrawn (2) Expired (6) Guillermo "Bill" Sanjurjo Realtor® 12955 SW 42 St Suite 2, Miami, FL 33175 Cell: 786-232-1400

Forget the Price of the Home. The Cost is What Matters.

Forget the Price of the Home. The Cost is What Matters. This post is available in 64 languages. Just select your preference in the "Language" side-panel. Home buying activity (demand) is up, and the number of available listings (supply) is down. When demand outpaces supply, prices appreciate. That’s why firms are beginning to increase their projections for home price appreciation going forward. As an example,  CoreLogic  increased their 12-month projection for home values from 4.5% to 5.6% over the last few months. The re acceleration of home values will cause some to again voice concerns about affordability. Just last week, however,  First American  came out with a  data analysis  that explains how price is not the only market factor that impacts affordability. They studied prices, mortgage rates, and wages from January through August of this year. Here are their findings: Home Prices “In January 2019, a family with the median household income in the U.S. coul

Tax Breaks Available For Home Renovation Costs

Under certain conditions, the cost for a home improvement project may be tax-deductible,  such as repairs to a home office or certain energy-efficient upgrades. Read more Guillermo "Bill" Sanjurjo Realtor® 12955 SW 42 St Suite 2, Miami, FL 33175 Cell: 786-232-1400 This post is available in 64 languages. Just select your preference in the "Language" side-panel.

Study: High-End Showers Are Key in Home Remodels

This post is available in 64 languages. Just select your preference in the "Language" side-panel.  Homeowners’ substantial improvements to their master bathrooms include making space for fancier and roomier showers. Read more... Guillermo "Bill" Sanjurjo Realtor® 12955 SW 42 St Suite 2, Miami, FL 33175 Cell: 786-232-1400