How much does political activity affect workl

According to information published by INFORMATION, INC. Bethesda, MD  political talk, is distracting some workers from doing their jobs. According to a survey of 500 U.S. adults employed full-time, 29 percent admit they're less productive since the election. The survey was commissioned by Wakefield Research.

Survey responses on political activity
·        87 percent of employees say they read political social media posts during the workday
·        Millennials consume more than other generations, reading up to 18 political posts per workday compared to an overall average of 14 posts
  • ·        21 percent of survey respondents read 20 or more political posts, which Wakefield Research equates to about 2 hours per day
  • ·        73 percent of respondents say they've talked with their colleagues about politics since the election
  • ·        37 percent have talked politics with their boss or manager
  • ·        49 percent of all respondents say they've seen a political conversation spark an argument at work
  • ·        63 percent among millennials say they've seen a political conversation spark an argument at work

· Source: "Feeling Distracted by Politics? 29% of Employees Are Less Productive After U.S. Election," BetterWorks blog (Feb. 7, 2017)· © Copyright 2017 INFORMATION, INC. Bethesda, MD (301) 215-4688


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